The proposed purchase of Doral commercial properties include public works, police, city hall, charter school and a recreation center. Doral distribution and trucking companies often complain about the proximity of schools that often cause congestion and access problems to their Doral warehouses. Another negative effect is that as the government buys Doral commercial properties, less ad valorem taxes will be collected which puts a larger burden on the remaining private owners to pay in. I hear of an upcoming Miami tea party to protest the high government spending.
So what would benefit Doral's economy more? Perhaps if the U.S. Congress approved the outstanding trade agreements with Colombia, Mexico and Korea. The Doral import/export market is tremendous with many Doral warehouses serving Miami international trade. More Doral manufacturing and exporting means more jobs.
For more information on the Doral stimulus projects in Doral visit http://www.stimuluswatch.org/project/by_city/Doral/FL and/or http://www.usmayors.org/mser/stimulussurveyparticipantsdata.asp?City=Doral&State=FL. You can also easily search other cities across the state and country.
For 30 years, ComReal Miami has been based in Doral and has played an integral role in Doral's commercial development. Currently, ComReal represents over 1,000,000 sq. ft. of Miami Airport West and Doral warehouse spaces. In 2003, ComReal Miami negotiated with the City of Doral for it's lease acquisition of Doral office space on NW 53 Street.
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