As President of CCIM Miami, I would like to personally invite you to attend the Miami Commercial Real Estate event of the year: The CCIM Miami Outlook Conference!!!
Please join 300 other Miami commercial real estate professionals on January 21st, 2009 at The Riviera Country Club in Coral Gables. This is our third annual CCIM Outlook Conference and you will learn what to expect in 2009 from nine professionals speaking on their area of expertise.
For more information on Miami CCIM, please visit www.ccimmiami.com. Opportunities to Sponsor are still available. For the Outlook Conference, please view the brochure below and visit this link to sign up:
We look forward to seeing you there!
Thank you very much.
Ed Redlich, CCIM, SIOR
Miami CCIM President

There will likely be some discussion on Miami Dade County property taxes, Miami appraiser Pete Garcia and Miami property appraiser. Pedro Garcia Miami-Dade County property appraiser will service his first term in 2009. Miami bankruptcy and Miami bankruptcies will also be a popular topic. Miami business bankruptcies have increased in 2008 and expect more business bankruptcies in Miami.
You may also visit http://miamiwarehouses.wordpress.com
Dear Guest,
Thank you for attending the CCIM Miami Outlook Conference "Back to Basics".
As promised, you are now able to view all of the Presentations at http://www.miamiccim.com under the Documents Library.
On behalf of CCIM Miami, we hope this helps your success in 2009 and beyond.
Edward J. Redlich, CCIM
President CCIM Miami
If you missed the annual CCIM conference, don't miss the message. "Back to Basics" is where we all need to be. As a turnaround professional, it is often my job to take my clients 'back to basics' that work.
That means an initial investment plus a cash flow for a specific time period plus net sales proceeds that gives a return to the investor justified by the risk involved.
In the hysteria of buying frenzies, we tend to forget this. Well, ComReal doesn't forget, for our clients or ourselves. That's why our advice has made sense for the past 30 years. We use the basic principles of real estate combined with specific market expertise to give practical advice.
If you find yourself in a position where any part of your investment doesn't make sense, give us a call, (305)591-3044.
Thomas Marvin, CCIM
Vice President
ComReal Miami, Inc.
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